How To Be A Voiceover Artist

If you are looking for help and advice on becoming a Voiceover Artist and other aspects of running a voiceover business, please visit:

BigFish Media Blog

Voiceovers by BigFish Media Blog

Ricky's Voiceover Advice


BigFish Media BlogSpot

Hi Ricky, Thank you for your advice. Over the years, I have been told by many girls that I have a nice, sexy phone voice. And now I'm wondering if I can use it for commercial gain. To be honest, I had no idea what to do, or how to get into the Voice Over Industry until coming across your site, and reading the info that you kindly sent. Ash, by email

The following may answer some of your questions:

So how do you get started in voiceovers? How do you get to be as good as the people who do voice-overs for radio stations and provide the voices of so many commercials?

Well do you know who they are and what they do? Why do you want to become one? Why do you think you can do it as well or better?

Things for you to do and think about. What you need to do first?

You will need a lot more than just a good voice.

Get involved with your local hospital radio station. It will give you technical experience, experience in front of the microphone: everything you will need to give you a thorough grounding in using your voice.

Do you have a local theatre group or amateur dramatic society? Find them and volunteer, voiceover work is acting. You need to be able to do more than read someone else's script and make it sound like your own words: you need to be able to "lift" the script off the page and make it live. Even the simplest voiceover requires performance skills.

Do you have a mobile phone? Change the voice mail message on it every day, try to impress people with it. Make a note of what works for your voice-over and what doesn't.

Find someone to whom you can regularly read a story. If you're good at characters, well a good story will give you plenty of opportunity to prove it.

Voice Training

Would you like to have your voice professionally trained? We can teach you to get the best out of your voice before you make your voiceover showreel. See Voice Training for more details.

Enthusiasm is great and it will get you through the tough times, but a space shuttle pilot got to sit in his seat through a combination of training, experience, dedication, enthusiasm and hard work - now you must do the same.

I suspect like most people keen to follow a career in voice-over work you would like to phone someone up tomorrow morning and be paid to voice something for them tomorrow afternoon. I've never known that happen for anyone. Now it's time for you to put in the work.

A good, clever or flexible voice is only rung one on a very long ladder. You will need a lot more than just a great voice. Imagine I am a producer and you need to give me a reason why I should use you in preference to someone else, what would you say? You can't say good voice, good impressions, good at accents; the other guy has got that already.

Work in the voiceover industry can be feast or famine and in the early days it will be thin on the ground, you just need to keep telling people that you are out there. Remember it is not a salaried job so if you don't work, you don't earn. There can be travel involved depending on what voiceover work you are doing.

Voiceover Work from Home

With the right equipment it is possible to work from home but you will need to find the space for an office and voice-over booth. You can set yourself up for about £4,000. You will need to buy at least one computer and printer, editing software (eg Pro Tools or Adobe Audition), Microsoft Office and a decent microphone (Neumann are the best by far but very expensive).

Using IP technology you can be accessed live from around the world; most local radio commercial voiceovers are recorded this way. If you are working alone from home (especially without an agent) you will need the drive and determination to succeed, as well as being your own IT expert, accountant, office manager and marketing manager. Just having a great voice is not nearly enough.

Voiceover Contacts

You will then need to build up your voice-over contacts book, market yourself using the internet, the phone and email. It is possible to break in, and there are lots of people who will give you a first chance, but if you try before you are ready you could very easily blow it. Producers of voiceovers talk to one another so your first session could also be your last.

Practice reading aloud, record yourself, listen to voice-overs on TV, radio, film and ask yourself why they are good or bad. Could you have done better?

Voiceover Showreel

BigFish Media are happy to produce your voiceover showreel. Please contact us for details.

Any demo longer than a minute or so is too long. Any producer worth his or her salt can tell whether you are any good within 10 seconds. What are you going to put on it? That's up to you, but before you decide, get advice from the experts.

BigFish Media are extremely selective in which voiceover artists we represent. However we are happy to hear from experienced voiceover artists or broadcasters. If you have no experience of either, then please get some before approaching us for representation.

Voiceover Directory

You will need to have your own website, but if no one ever looks at it there is no point in it being online. Once you have a voiceover showreel and your own website, you will then need to promote your services by getting listed on a reputable voiceover directory.

There are plenty of voiceover websites which will offer you a free listing. But they are free for a reason!

Do a Google search on "voice over", "voice-over" or "voiceover"
and find one. You will find BigFish Media very near the top.

If you would like more details about getting a listing in our
Voiceover Directory, please contact us today.

There is a lot more advice on becoming a Voiceover Artist and other aspects of running a voiceover business on either:

BigFish Media Blog

Ricky's Voiceover Advice


BigFish Media BlogSpot

And we wish you good luck with your voiceover career!

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